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What is bnat?

This is an international imageboard populated by fans of Touhou Project (東方Project) and other otaku franchises such as Dragon Ball and Umineko no Naku Koro ni. Users are free to post anything they wish as long as they 1. Obey US Law and 2. Don't disrupt the fun times; meaning that spam and NSFW will probably be spoilered or deleted.

The purpose of the lax rules and subject is to create a more interesting environment, which has helped the website has grow to encompass other subjects such as classical music, religion, and art. Nonetheless, this website will always be focused on otaku subjects.

Users are encouraged to begin posting RIGHT NOW because etching out an existence as an imageboard is difficult despite the website's success. Visit >>>/bant/ for the normal board or >>>/j/ for filth containment and site meta.

Click "Options" to view site features like image hover, themes and filters. Click "Filter spoilers & NSFW terms" to hide most NSFW content. The catalog is called Orin. Visit Home -> Formatting to view stickers.

What are those flag things?

The custom flags are a holdover from a javascript extension of the related 4chan board. The extension allowed users to display custom flags, mostly Touhou ones, along with their country. Because imageboards are dead except for putrid SH*T like politics and gangstalking the flag system was carried over to improve our early chances of survival.

Using them is optional and makes you stand out but visit >>>/rizz/ to see what's up. "country" is default and displays your country; Submit more at >>>/bant/2637 or on /j/

Sometimes I see a "TrumpFlare" screen and can't access the website. Why?

Imageboards are extremely common targets for illegal content, raids and bot spam; to keep the website safe, it was designed to be password only. After about a month, turning the firewall off was experimented with, and due to spam being uncommon, it's now only password protected for a few hours each night.

If you find yourself there, you can try guessing a password, or to avoid getting locked out in the future, you can go there now and enter "aspirin". Keep in mind this specific password may be disabled in the future.

Click here to visit the auth page.

How does TrumpFlare work?

By default, when the firewall is active, the website is put behind a whitelist of IP ranges. When a user enters a correct password, their IP range becomes able to visit and post normally. Presently, TrumpFlare is only active in the early morning (EST) and during attacks.

wow this place is cool! How can I help?

Imageboards are actually cheap to run, which means anyone asking for donations was scamming you. The real way to support this website is to post regularly and interact with others; never leave a bitch hanging! Despite the website being large by imageboard standards, it's always a concern that discussion will dry up and we will go the way of the dodo, a monumental loss for mankind.

Also, show the website to your friends.

What is Yukari Whale?

This is the most important bant meme, Yukari whale (not actually a whale). Sometimes called Fuwarin, it's Yakumo Yukari from Touhou Project in the form of fanmade character "sukusuku hakutaku". Likes sweets and tea, dislikes coffee and spicy food. Originally from 2chan. She lives in Yurukusanae with a caterpillar and there is a creature which survives by eating her poop.
See Scripture

Why is the website's name so retarded and unmarketable?

It was funny at the time. We may rebrand to "Chireiden" in the future.