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What are the Rules?

1. Obey US Law
This includes being over the age of 18

2. Don't disrupt the funtimes
Spoiler NSFW content and avoid posting soinasty.discordi content

What if i'm banned?

Bans are reserved for spam and Tor. If you're banned you can send an appeal from the ban page and a moderator will come help. If you have problems posting try aryanchad@hitler.rocks or going on your phone to scream on /j/

/bant/ - International/Random

Try to gravitate towards otaku shit
Only especially mundane and filthy content like 3DPD and politics will be deleted or moved to /j/

/j/ - Janny Board + Containment

Meta + random. Nearly anything goes, but spoiler NSFW shit nonetheless.
Now that I think about it if a bunch of furries or true freaks showed up they wouldn't be allowed there anyway but let's establish groundrules once that happens